I forgot I had to write this...

Talk about my hobby or the things that I do when I have rest time it’s difficult to explain because I haven’t so much free time and I don’t like to go out from my house. I could talk about I like cooking, or dancing, maybe talk about my love-hate to League of legends, or do nothing, but will be so poor and this post would finish in two or three lines and it would be something like: I’m someone without aspirations or goals and when I have free time I dedicate myself to lying in my bed and wait for the next work of the university arrive. This sound so depressive and quirky at the same time. Anyway, for stop filling the 200 words of this blog I will talk about the activity that most I like to do: Argue on the Internet.
I do this while I'm in the public transport, while I wait for somebody to attend me in a place, when I'm in the bathroom, I do not know, any place is a good place and a good time for drop my stress through of my phone with unknows. Any topic is worth arguing, so in the same day I can be in favor of abortion in a conversation while in other I in favor for the two lives. What I'm trying to say is that I do not want to gain anything arguing on the Internet, just want to having fun for a moment and it's very funny to see how people explode when we do not share their ideologies.
I do this since I was a child, before I argue with my uncles about the God existence or our freedom to choose our boyfriend or girlfriend, etc. I remember that I effort so much reading articles for formulate good arguments; however, while I was growing, I stopped being so pretentious and I dedicated myself to discuss any topic. I don’t argue for share my point, I just do It for fun and usually leave the conversations when a topic bores me and I just look for another.
If you want to discuss in a banal way all you need is Internet connection and a computer o a phone, a social network (Twiiter is a good place, everyone there are so delicate) and good vocabulary, in this way if you talk thing without sense you can confuse your opponent and maybe it will think you're smart ... even if it's not like that, I mean you are arguing on the Internet. Please.


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