For the glory of Shitposting!

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Today I must to talk about a trip to the beach or something. How is usually in this blog I don’t know what to write because since I was thirteen years old that I haven’t went to the beach with my family, we’re lazy and we don’t like going out.

With my family we went a lot of time to Cartagena, it wasn’t our favorite but there everything is inexpensive, the tickets for the trip, the hosting, the food, etc. But it’s a bit boring talk about that because it’s typical activities that you do when you’re in the beach, you play in the water, with the sand, if you have money you can go to a restaunt if you haven’t money you only cook spaghetti and you end all days walking in the night for the craft fair and the coast. And that’s why I’m going to talk about Pacific Rim and the fight of Striker Eureka, Cherno Alpha, Crimson Typhoon and Gipsy Danger versus Leatherback and Otachi on a beach in Hong Kong. Technically I will talk about beach, and I'll answer the three question…so I can write this post.

The fight started because two category-IV Kaijus (Leatherback and Otachi) emerge in a beach of Hong Kong, then the jeagers (Striker Eureka, Cherno Alpha, Crimson Typhoon) have the mission of stop them, but they’re destroyed and disable by the kaijus with the EMP blast, then Pentecost deploys Gipsy Danger, which slays both Kaiju.

For answer the three question:
I’ve never been on Hong Kong, so I don’t know how the beach of this country are, but I’ve seen the movie about five or six times…

I guess the beaches of Hong Kong must be beautiful and there must have activities for the tourists, but as I established the Pacific Rim universe for this post, in theory the people can see the Kaiju’s attacks because there’s on the Pacific Ocean. In the real life this would be terrible and scary, but in the world of science fiction this is awesome because you can see giant robots fighting against giant monster!


And with this post I start a new season for the glory of shitposting in this blog.   


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