Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

Hi ~
The semester is about to end and also these posts, this probably will be the last one that I’d write for this blog. I was really hoping to write a few more meaningless posts; it would have been fun.
Today I must write about a book that I liked, but I haven’t formed a consistent reading habit and I think that I’ve never liked reading, but I tried on many occasions to be interested in reading, I tried with novels for adolescents and historical novels, but I gave up and decided that I just don’t like it.

Even so, as this post must be about a book that I liked I just will pick one that I had read during that time. Among the books that I read were: Study in Scarlet, Inferno, Da Vinci Code, Mein Kampf and Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, the last one has a little more history than just reading it to form a habit because I read it while I was hospitalized.

In the 2015 I read Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, it’s a self-help novel and it’s about a guy that have a group of friends, where each one of them has a color, except the protagonist. This friends abruptly cut off their relationship with the protagonist when they finished school, or college, I don´t remember. So, the guy ended completely alone and although he tried to make new friends he failed over and over again, so he thought about committing suicide. The story is about how the protagonist is looking for who he is and to find his place in the word.
I don’t have a special reason for why I remember this book with fondness, I remember that towards the middle of the book I was already bored. Maybe I liked this book because I didn’t have anything more to do in the hospital, or because the cover was nice, I don’t know.


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