Another Shitpost for Chinos pa Inglés

Good afternoon! A week ago, I should have written this post but how I didn’t this because reasons (In fact I didn’t this because I forgot write the post…) today I will talk to you about a friend!
I think I’m rather unsociable girl, I can count my friends whit the fingers of just one hand and between of them there is Constanza, my college mate, but today I will not write about she in this post. Continuing with the legacy of the Shitpost in my blog I will talk to you about another great friend: Jesus Christ. After all he is friend of all of us.
I meet Jesus since I was born because my family is catholic, in theory we’re friends since my parents baptized me but I was a baby so I haven’t nothing of these times, so officially we’re friends since I made my first communion but how I didn’t my confirmation we aren’t best friends, just friends. I like Jesus because he have superpowers, he can covert the water in wine, bring bread and fishes and he can concentrate the chakra in his feet for walk on water, also if you pray to him and you effort in your objectives he can granting wishes.
¿What things we do together? Well…nothing, we’re in different Astral realities, or something like this, but if there was Internet in the heaven probably, we would play Lol or Fortnite, I think his nickname would be Noobmaster69.
I don’t know what else write, I think I offended to many people with 200 words… I’m sorry, but not sorry, this was funny. 


  1. I thought you would not be able to seriously write this, I was wrong


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