Potato Chips in New Year

Write this post is a little difficult task to do, really I haven’t any memory about an family meal in special and also for many years we neither do special meals for holidays like Christmas or New Year (But the asado for the 18 never gonna fail…lol), so how I haven´t options for write a real post I will told you about the New Year’s “meal” of the last year.    

In those days I was recovering classes for the three months of “Toma Feminista” that spent in the university, consequently all students were to two weeks for end the semester, so we have a lot of homework. On December 31th, two hours left for passing to next year and I was front my PC writing my inform, on the other land, my parents didn’t want to do any special meal for the New Year so they only bought some potato chips and others snacks that I don’t know how write in English. When ten or five were left for the twelve o’clock my mom called me shouting from the ground floor for give the familiar New Year’s hug, then I went downstairs, we did the countdown, we hugged and I went to my room again for ending that inform, to next day I had to continuous with others homeworks.

That didn’t a great meal but was curious one.

PD: The headline of this new is “Toma Feminista” and I don’t know how write TOMA in English, so I shall leave it in Spanish…lol.


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