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Road to bronze!

Today I will tell you about climbing to gold in Lol to get the Golden Skin ... Personally... nope, I didn't get it :((((( League of Legends it’s a videogame that I play since 7 years ago, before I was much more competitive, I used to try very hard to learn to play and level up, today I only play because Lol its funny and I enjoy playing. In Lol there’s a series of levels where the players can catch it if they play rankeds, iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, challenger and master (or master and challenger, I don’t remember). My object in each season is level up to gold, I always achieve it but usually its difficult by the same players. For any reason the people takes too much serous the game and it stress me because actually I don’t care win o loose, I only want have a good time, but the player always insulted themselves or directly play bad deliberately to ruin the experience and the game of others players. It’s pretty frustrating, but after playing for 7

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